When someone passes away, it can be rather tricky to find comforting words to say - I get it. You don't want to offend the grieving person, but you don't want them to think that you don't care, by saying nothing.
Most people tend to try and avoid the topic altogether and pretend it doesn't exist to save the uncomfortableness - Which helps no one.
A good friend of mine recently lost her dear brother, very unexpectedly.
Tragic and devastating for everyone who ever knew him.
When she rang me to personally tell me the awful news, I was so shocked, I went blank.
My brain went to mush and I had no idea what to say or how to even attempt to comfort her and boy did I feel awful afterwards.
There were so many things I SHOULD have said.
But it is important to remember we are only human and we can always aim to do better with our words the next time we find ourselves in an unfortunate similar situation. Language is important, and dealing with grief is often overlooked in todays society. That's why I'm on a mission to help people through it, in the best way I can.
So, I thought it might be helpful to provide a list of common and unhelpful things that I hear and read ALOT in the baby loss community, plus offer some alternative suggestions that could be said instead. I'm all about raising awareness!!
Here are some DOs and DONTs when speaking to a parent who has just lost their baby (speaking from experience)
They’re in a better place
It's for the best
They are at peace now
There is nothing I hate more, than seeing you hurting like this.
No parent should have to go through this.
I wish I could take your pain away.
Time heals all wounds
It's time to move on now
I'm always here for you on this path you never asked to be on.
There’s no good reason this happened.
I think about you and your son/daughter often.
Grief has no expiration date.
Everything happens for a reason
I'm completely devastated for you.
Please know I’m here for you and will hold your hand the whole way.
The pain of your immense loss is real and valid.
Be grateful for the time you had together
I know this isn’t the news you hoped for. I’m so sorry.
It breaks my heart to see you suffering.
I know how you’re feeling
I can’t possibly know how you are feeling.
If you ever feel like talking, or just taking your mind off things for a while, I’m here for you.
May I call or text to check in with you later?
You need to stay strong for your family
I’d love to hear about your son/daughter when you're ready
You don’t deserve this pain
I can't imagine what you and your family are going through
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Nothing I say can change what happened, but I am here for you and your family during this time.
DONT SAY: Any sentence starting with 'At least'
At least you weren't further along
At least you never brought him/her/them home
At least you can try again
At least you're still young
At least you have other children
I can't imagine what you are going through.
If you need anything, I am always here for you.
Know that it's okay to feel however you feel during this time and I will be here for you.
I don’t know what to say but I can listen.
Your baby wouldn’t want you to be sad
There is no right or wrong way to grieve.
Your life has been changed forever.
You are a good mother and your son/daughters death with never change that.
I hope this helps in some small way and I’d love to hear if you have anything to add! Feel free to comment below if you have any suggestions!
Sending love x
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